Thursday, January 27, 2011

Show us your stuff challenge

LO #5 of 52 - COMPLETE!!
This is a double first for me, my first entry for the challenge blog Show Us Your Stuff, and my first ever 8.5 x 11 LO!!

The requirements for SUYS were as follows:
You must include the following things on your layout.

*Stitching (hand, machine or faux)
*4 or more patterned paper
*Something handmade!!
This LO is also the first for my brand new nephew Ned's album I am going to create :) This is the only pic I have of him and this is his very first pic. He was rushed to ICU shortly after he was born but is doing extremely well now!!
Thanks for letting me share!!
Luv Renee


Nay and Gilly said...

Beautiful! what a great way to start Ned's album! gilly ox

dee -@ The Old Fat Hen said...

Congratulations Aunty Nay beautiful layout beautiful newphew-love dee

Leanne J said...

that is so cute.. love the photos and so very GLAD that he is doin great now.. happy album... yay..

Emily D. said...

Gorgeous layout!!! I have recently gotten into 8.5x11 pages... they are fun to do!!

Glad that little Ned is doing well!!

Angie said...

Awwww.........gorgeous LO for a gorgeous little boy. I hope he is doing well now.

Kim said...

awwwww how cute je this with those little cars all over, so glad he is doing ok!